Learning Community
for International Teaching and Learning Settings

In this section, the INTALL-project is sharing experiences with teaching in international groups. You can find here experiences about used methods for teaching international learners in the context of adult education and lifelong learning. You are welcome to discuss and share your experiences with teaching in international settings.
Guidelines on teachers practices
Please click on the picture to open the Guidelines on teachers practices. A guide for instructors and practitioners to innovate practices in higher education and adult learning by Monica Fedeli and Concetta Tino.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
The strategies are clustered in the following categories:
- Strategies of small/large group discussion: Teaching practices that require interaction within the small or large group carrying out a task.
- Project-work strategies: Teaching practices that require, not only group activity and knowledge sharing, but also a design and delivery of a product.
- Conversational strategies: Teaching practices that are carried out thanks to a debate around a stimulus offered (e.g. world café, role-play), where everyone participates by making use of transversal knowledge, integrating, expanding, arguing what has already been said by others.
- Strategies of Flipped Classroom: Teaching strategies that require students to present content to the class, after working individually or in groups on the materials assigned by the teacher.
- Case-based strategies: Teaching strategies that explicitly refer to the case study or where the activity requires to identify a solution through group discussion.
- Metaphorical Reflective strategies: Teaching strategies that support students in their reflection process. They foresee the use of pictures that students can use to explain metaphorically their thoughts relatively any kind of learning or situations/experiences.
- Icebreaking strategies: Strategies that introduce each other and develop a group community climate, and reduce distances among people.
Share your Teaching and Learning Methods
You can share your experiences with those (and other) teaching and learning strategies in our LinkedIn Professional Network for Adult and Continuing Education:
The content of this page and on the subpages was developed by the team of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology of the University of Padua, Italy under Prof. Dr. Monica Fedeli (monica.fedeli@unipd.it).