Deutsch Intern
  • Prof. Hasse mit einer Gruppe Studierender (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Philosophie III)
  • Tablets aus dem MEET-Labor in einer Ladestation (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Schulpädadgogik)
  • Bilder aus dem Kino- und Tonstudiolabor (Fotos: Professur für Medien- und Wirtschaftskommunikation)
  • Das Methodenlabor der Soziologie (Foto: Lehrstuhl für Methoden der Quantitativen Empirischen Sozialforschung)
Faculty of Human Sciences

Current Opportunities

Opportunities available in the 2023 summer semester

To sign up for a workshop, please email Dr. Andreas Rauh.

Deadline to sign up: two weeks before the scheduled date


a) Doctoral skills development: courses offered as part of the QP

1. Writing Workshop for PhD Students (Dr. Rauh)

May 12, 2023, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. + individual follow-up writing process consultation (=1 SWS), room 02.108 (Writing Center, Josef-Martin-Weg 54/1, Campus Hubland Nord), maximum number of participants: 12.

Content: phases of the writing process, structuring and outlining, overcoming writing inhibition, and a lot more (please bring a laptop and your own writing project)



b) Generic skills development: courses offered as part of the QP

1. ‘Project management 1k’ (Dr. Rauh)

Doctoral researchers at the Faculty of Human Sciences can receive funds from the QP to allow them to host visits from external researchers. The workshop/talk etc. delivered by the visiting researcher should be open to all members of the Faculty. The QP will provide up to €1,000 in funding as well as non-financial support in the form of assistance with: liaising with invitees, booking venues, designing posters, advertising the event, claiming travel and accommodation expenses, getting news coverage (e.g. einBlick), etc. The doctoral researchers will be expected to implement their projects independently.
To apply for ‘Project management 1k’ funding, submit an informal request to the QP (approx. two pages describing your project and including a rough timeline and budget). Please obtain approval for your project from your doctoral supervisory team (Promotionskommitee) before you submit your request.
You can start up to two projects per semester.


c) Services provided as part of the QP

1. One-on-one writing tutoring (Dr. Hoos/Dr. Rauh)

We offer by-appointment tutoring sessions. A session will last 45 minutes; additional sessions can be scheduled if needed. Please submit up to five pages of your writing to your tutor before your session and let him or her know on what aspects you want him or her to focus. Our approach is non-directive. We can help you with your writing process but do not offer proofreading or help with content-related matters.


d) Opportunities offered in collaboration with our partners at JMU (GSH, ASQ, Writing Centre)

1. See web pages of the Graduate School of the Humanities (GSH)

2. See pool of general transferable skills (ASQ); please consult with your thesis committee as many of the courses are primarily aimed at students who are studying for a Bachelor’s degree!

3. See web pages of the JMU Writing Centre
Recommended: ‘Mein Schreibprojekt’