Deutsch Intern
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Faculty of Human Sciences


The Faculty of Human Sciences offers international students the possibility for exchange studies. You are welcome to study modules in German or English in the following subjects: philosophy, psychology, education, special education, political sciences & sociology, protestant theology & religious education, sport sciences and human-computer-media. It is also possible to study (partly) in an interdisciplinary mode. Please be aware, that we need a nomination from your university to be accepted as programme student. If there is no partnership agreement between your university and the University of Würzburg, it is possible to participate as freemover. Please refer to the homepage of the international office to follow the nomination deadlines and the further process for enrolment.

Modules in English

The following modules are regularily offered in English. For any changes (e.g. additional courses) students are invited to check the updated course catalogue at WueStudy before arrival. Please note that titles of modules are not course titles, but at a higher level in the course catalogue hierarchy

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IntroCSR Introduction to the Comparative Study of Religions winter English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IntroDS Introduction to Diversity Studies winter English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IntroEP Introduction to Ethics & Philosophy winter English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IT Islamic Thought winter English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-JT Jewish Thought summer English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RP-1 Religious Pluralism: Present summer English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RP-2 Religious Pluralism: Past summer English English 5 open for all exchange students at the Faculty of Human Sciences
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-EPT Ethics, Philosophy, and Theology summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2025/26 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-CREI Core Readings in Ethics I: Islam winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2025/26 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-CREJ Core Readings in Ethics II: Judaism winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2025/26 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-PhCP-1 Philosophy: Challenges and Problems Past winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2025/26 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-PhCP-2 Philosophy: Challenges and Problems Present winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2025/26 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RDC Religious Diversity and Social Cohesion summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-DCI Diversity in Context I: Islam summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-DCJ Diversity in Context II: Judaism summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-DC-1 Diversity in Context III: Ethical Dilemmas summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-DC-2 Diversity in Context III: Apologetics and Polemics summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-DI Diversity Initiatives summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2026 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RSSD Religion, Secularism and Social Dynamics winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2026/27 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-AE Advanced Ethics winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2026/27 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IP-1 Identity and Positionality: Gender, Sexuality, and Identity winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2026/27 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-IP-2 Identity and Positionality: The Future of Religion(s) winter English English 5 will be offered regularily from winter term 2026/27 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RPT Reading Primary Texts summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2027 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-RST Reading Secondary Texts summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2027 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-ASI Advanced Seminar I: Islamic Studies summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2027 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-ASJ Advanced Seminar II: Jewish Studies summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2027 on
Diversity, Ethics and Religions (B.A.) 06-DER-AS-1 Advanced Seminar in Philosophy summer English English 5 will be offered regularily from summer term 2027 on

Interessted students should contact for subscribtion. Please consult

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Philosophy (B.A.) 06-Ph-B-P5 History of Philosophy summer Englisch Englisch/German 5  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-P1 Systematical Philosophy: Theoretical Philosophy summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-P2 Systematical Philosophy: Practical Philosophy summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-P3 History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-P4 History of Philosophy: Medieval and Modern Philosophy summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W1 Theoretical Philosophy, deepened summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W2 Practical Philosophy, deepened summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W3 History of Philosophy, deepened summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W4 Theoretical Philosophy in ancient times summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W5 Theoretical Philosophy in Middle Ages and modern times summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W6 Practical Philosophy in ancient times summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  
Philosophy (M.A.) 06-PhM-W7 Practical Philosophy in Middle Ages and modern times summer/winter* Englisch Englisch/German 10  

* Within the MA in Philosophy, the Institute for Philosophy is offering each semester three of the above mentioned modules in English. ERASMUS-Students are also welcome to join modules, which are offered in German. Further information are provided at the homepage of the Institute for Philosophy:

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-EFM Experimental Research Methods winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-KOGPsy-2 Cognitive Psychology 2 winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-BioPSY-2 Biopsychology 2 winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-PaPsy2 Educational Psychology 2 - Learning and Behavioral Disorders winter and summer English English/German 6 Psychology
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-AS Work and Social Psychology winter and summer English English/German 6 Psychology
Psychology (B.Sc.) 06-PSY-MA-GF Basic Psychological Research winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (M.Sc.) 06-PSY-MA-BELL Education, Development, & Lifelong Learning winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (M.Sc.) 06-PSY-MA-AKS Work, Cognitive, & Social Psychology 1 winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology
Psychology (M.Sc.) 06-PSY-MA-KV Cognition and Behaviour winter and summer English English/German 5 Psychology

Further courses available from term to term. Please consult and the then current course list for comprehensive information.

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-EES International perspectives on education, ethics and sociality winter English English/German 5 Exchange students in education
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-MLE Media education in an international perspective winter English English/German 5 Exchange students in education
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-LL Lifelong learning: international perspectives and policies winter English English/German 5 Exchange students in education
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-Bmint Educational management winter English English/German 5 Exchange students in education and in special education (only open for Master students)
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-VEW International-comparative adult and continuing education winter English English/German 15 Exchange students in education (only open for Master students)
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-REW Contexts and theories in adult and continuing education winter English English/German 10 Exchange students in education (only open for Master students)
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-AFE Applied Fields of Research in Adult Education summer English English/German 10 Exchange students in education (only open for Master students)
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-PEO Organisational Education and Pedagogy summer English English/German 10 Exchange students in education (only open for Master students)
Science of Education (MA) 06-BW-EG Educational Guidance and Competence Development summer English English/German 5 Exchange students in education (only open for Master students)
Pedagogy (BA) 06-PÄD-IEB International adult education winter and summer English English/German 3-5 Exchange students in education, special education, sports science, theology, philosophy, political and social studies
Pedagogy (BA) 06-PÄD-PH Professional acting in adult and continung education winter and summer English English/German 3-5 Exchange students in education, special education, sports science, theology, philosophy, political and social studies
Pedagogy (BA) 06-PÄD-WA Scientific Writing in Adult Education winter English English/German 3 Exchange students in education & special education
Educational Sciences (Teacher Education) 06-Schul-VT-152-m01 Special Topics of School Pedagogy winter and summer English English/German 4 Exchange students in teacher education programmes
Educational Sciences (Teacher Education) 43-LA-BildsysEx A comparison of Education Systems winter/summer English English/German 3 Exchange students in teacher education and education

Further courses available from term to term. Please consult and the then current course list for comprehensive information.  If there are overlaps of semester times with students' home universities, most of the above mentioned courses can be finalize in a hybrid mode.

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Special Needs Education 06-I-FB All means All - SDG's in Special Needs Education winter English English/German 2  
Special Needs Education 06-I-FB Exkursion nach Hadamar winter German/Handbook in English English/German 3 Special Needs Education

Further information can be found at the homepage of the Institute for Special Education

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-IB6 Transnational Relations: Specific issues winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-IB3 Essentials of the European Union winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-VPS2 Political Institutions in Germany and other Political Systems winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-EM-VPS2 Policy Analysis winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-PT3 Modern and Postmodern Political Theories summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-PT5 Modern and Contemporary Theories of Democracy summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-IB4 Specific Issues of European Integration summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-EM-IB5 Security, Peace and Conflict in International Relations summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-VPS1 Political Institutions in Germany and other Democratic Systems summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-VPS3 Democratic Political Systems summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-AS3 Macrosociological Theories summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-SpS3 Theory, Methods and Results in Social Inequality Research and Comparative Social Structuration Research winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-SpS6 Advanced Studies in Fields of Sociology winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-Meth2 Advanced Module in Methods of Empirical Research 2 summer English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-EM-Meth Research Design and Advanced Quantitative Methods winter English English 5  
Political and Social Studies (BA) 06-PSS-AM-Meth1 Advanced Module in Methods of Empirical Research 1 summer English English 5  
Political and Social Sciences (MA) 06-PSSc-VP1 or PSSc-VD1 Comparative Analysis of Political Institutions summer English English 5  
Political and Social Sciences (MA) 06-PSSc-NPT Normative Political Theory winter English English 5  
Political and Social Sciences (MA) 06-PSSc-PT Constitutional Democracy summer English English 5  

Further courses available from term to term. Please consult and the then current course list for comprehensive information.

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
No information available.              

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-TAM-232-m01 Theories and Models winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-ATM-232-m01 Advanced Training Methods winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-INF-232-m01 Influencing Factors winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-TAD-232-m01 Advances in Technologies winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-INM-232-m01 Information Management winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-REM-232-m01 Research Methods winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-DIM-232-m01 Diagnostic Methods summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-MOT-232-m01 Monitoring Technologies summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-RPS-232-m01 Research Project Skills summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-ANI-232-m01 Data Analysis & Interpretation summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-SCC-232-m01 Science Communication summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-COT-232-m01 Current trends summer English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-SAI-232-m01 Interaction of Science and Application winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-SCL-232-m01 Science Club / Scientific Debate winter English English 5 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-INT-232-m01 Internship winter English English 10 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-PRT-232-m01 Elective Subject: Intervention & Implementation Project - Performance winter English English 10 Sport Science
Exercise Science and Training (MA) 06-EST-PRH-232-m01 Elective Subject: Intervention & Implementation Project - Health winter English English 10 Sport Science

Study Programme Module abbreviation Title of the Module Term Teaching Language Language of Examination ECTS Points Open for students from the following exchange subjects
Psychology of Digital Media (M.Sc.) 06-PDM-ME1 Methods 1 winter English/German English/German 5 Media communication, Psychology of digital Media
Psychology of Digital Media (M.Sc.) 06-PDM-KMP2 Psychology of Communication and Media 2 winter English English 5 Media communication, Psychology of digital Media